The Conversations with God Foundation presents...
An E-treat led by Neale Donald Walsch:
The 10 Illusions of Humans
Join us for this online virtual event, conducted by Neale live,
with real-time two-way interactions with participants.
On April 27th 2024, join with Neale as we explore the messages of the book Communion with God, published over 20 years ago, but never more relevant than it is today, with many aspects of life changing before our eyes... Nothing could have prepared us for all that is happening in our world right now. If ever there was a time when we could really use some spiritual sustenance, this is it. This live, real-time program with Neale will closely examine...
1. What good does it do to know that life as we are experiencing it is based on illusions?
2. If we really are living into illusions, what is the point of doing anything in response to all that is going on right now?
3. How, when things seem so very real, can we see them as illusory? Isn’t what’s happening actually happening?
4. Can a spiritual point of view about life’s events really make anything better?
What is the secret to maintaining both inner and outer peace during this turmoil?
Why are our E-treats so impactful?
Through the power of Zoom, we have developed an online version of our much loved, in-person, Spiritual Renewal Retreats, making it possible for you and Neale to connect in a surprisingly intimate way.
"Seek then to create change not because a thing is wrong, but because it no longer makes an accurate statement of who you are." Conversations with God, book one
The E-treat spans 6 hours of content
over four 90 minute sessions:
Saturday, April 27th, 2024:
Session One: 8:00am - 9:30am Pacific Time
Session Two: 10:00am - 11:30am Pacific Time
Session Three: 12:00pm - 1:30pm Pacific Time
Session Four: 2:00pm - 3:30pm Pacific Time
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